Corporate social investment has become part of our DNA. Over the years IBL has contributed to the advancement and uplifting our communities.

This is a responsibility that we discharge without hesitation and even our employees dedicate time in their own private capacity to also assist in the community.

In the peak of Covid-19, which hit the Free State hard, our employees, in particular our SATAWU & TIRISANO Shop Stewards, led by our CEO ntate Mokgothu, challenged our HR Department to see which group would pack the most food parcels.

Preparing food parcels always comes with a strong sense of compassion, pride and care but that did not deter our employees from creating a buzz and fun in preparing the food parcels.

A young energetic HR team underestimated what appeared to be a sluggish and heavy team that ntate Mokgothu had assembled.

The Shop Stewards went on to mop the floor with the HR team by packing nearly double what the HR team packed in record time.

To this day some of the HR members still have not accepted the defeat. It looks like, it will take another challenge to settle the score.

IBL was privileged to have worked closely with our long-time friends and partners of Anchor of Hope together with the Industrial Development Corporation team that travelled all the way from Gauteng.

We had fun and were also humbled by the love shown by all recipients.