Earlier this year, we received a letter that touched our hearts from a young man from Botshabelo block G. This young man has been chasing his dream to fly the South African skies but due to lack of funds he could not complete his Private Pilot License and had to drop out of school.
He knocked on many doors in trying to keep his dream alive. IBL stepped in and assisted him with tuition fees to cover some of his studies. He is now at the Johannesburg School of Flying, but sadly due to IBL’s own financial constraints the funding will not be enough for Khotso Mohono him to complete his studies.
Khotso’s life story and struggles are very familiar with millions of our township and rural youth that have ambitions but many end up not realising their dreams due to lack of funding. What is encouraging about Khotso is his humility and perseverance to realise his dream.
Khotso is one of our stars in the sky and is an example to all that “your dreams are valid”. We would like to invite anyone or any business that wishes to contribute or just meet Khotso to contact us via our communication platforms.