Botsamaisi ba Interstate Bus Lines bo hlokomedisa bapalami ba yona hore nako ya tshebetso ya komiti ya ha jwale ya bapalami e fihla pheletsong ka la 30 June 2023. Boemong ba botsamaisi le bapalami ka kakaretso re rata ho leboha komiti ena ka nako le tshebetso ya bona, karolo eo ba e bapetseng e bile e bohlokwa haholo ho bopeng dikamano tse ntlafetseng pakeng tsa IBL le bapalami ba yona. Sena se bolela hore Interstate Bus Lines e tla qala ka ditukisetso tsa ho theha komiti e ntjha ya bapalami e tla qala ho sebetsa ho tloha ka la 1 July 2023. Bapalami ba mengwa ho nka karolo ho thonyeng baemedi ba bona komiting e ntjha ho hlaha dibakeng tseo ba palamang ho tsona. Diforomo tsa ho thonya baemedi di tla fumaneha IBL Helpdesk, Central Park le Thaba Depot ho tloha ka la 1 May 2023. Ho ka fumana lesedi le fetang mona o ka letsetsa Interstate Bus Lines Passenger Liaison Officer John Nketsi 051 408-7000
Interstate Bus Lines management informs its passengers that the deadline for the current passenger committee’s term of service will end on the 30th of June 2023. The company and its passengers appreciate the committee’s dedication and service, which has been essential in resolving various challenges faced by IBL and its passengers.
It is announced that IBL will initiate the formation of a new passenger committee, which will commence operations from the 1st of July 2023. Passengers are encouraged to participate and nominate members for the new committee to address issues affecting them.
Forms for nominating committee members will be available at the IBL Helpdesk, Central Park and Thaba Depot from the 1st of May 2023. For further information, passengers can contact the IBL Passenger Liaison Officer, John Nketsi at 051 408-7000.