During October, also known as Transport Month, Interstate Bus Lines focused its attention on passenger and road safety. The company engaged in various campaigns to raise road safety awareness both to internal and external stakeholders. These campaigns included the school road safety campaigns, the introduction of Drive-cam to internal stakeholders as well as workshops around driver behaviour.

As part of the bigger Imperial Logistics drive for safer and responsible road usage, Mr. Bobby Shemmans, Imperial Executive responsible for Health and Safety visited our Phomolong depot to conduct a briefing session with our drivers and management. Key to his brief was focus on driver actions, such as use of cell phones.

Interstate Bus Lines’ policy on the use of cell phones is very clear, that none of its employees are permitted to use cell phones whilst driving any company vehicle. However, Mr. Shemmans showed our Drivers that even using earphones and other “hands free” units greatly reduces the driver’s ability to fully concentrate on the road. Employees were encouraged to rather switch off their phones when driving to avoid disruptions.

It is well-known that the use of cellular phones is among the leading causes of road accidents and with the festive season upon us, employees and the community at large is urged to be responsible on the road.